Our Services

We provide a wide range of services in the financial market.

Accounting Training

On-Site Training & Customisation

We provide a wide range of services in the financial market. This includes consulting, training, inventory control, and payroll.


Discover the range of expert consulting services we offer as Sage Pastel specialists.

Software sales and installation

Fincom Accounting is a reseller and service provider of Pastel accounting and Payroll software. Our services include the installation of the products on single and multi-user sites. This includes optimising the network for the Pastel products and knowledge of pervasive and SQL software.

  • A focus on each user’s job description to ensure their confidence in doing the job, thus empowering them to understand the software.
  • Equipping management with their specific reporting needs within the system guarantees they can present the necessary management reports.
  • Training on VAT, the processing of VAT, reports, and submissions.